Reimagining the Capstone Archive: Reshaping the current state of the iSchool Capstone archive to fully showcase the excellent reputation of the department and its industry partners.

The Challenge

Redesign a stagnant capstone experience that fails to facilitate connections with industry partners and showcase students’ work beautifully.

The Outcome

A clean navigation, which allows users to excitingly explore projects, and an individual project page that gives a lot of flexibility in displaying content.

The Impact

Audiences and potential sponsors are able to find projects, and students are able to show projects in a richer way, which inherently improves the reputation of the iSchool by making the website accessible and more useful.
UX/UI Designer
22 weeks
Sonali Chandra
Shareen Chang
Erin Richfort
Michael Doyle
UW Information School


Here are the main insights:

Key research insights

We found that sponsors wanted to see projects relevant within their field, and know how to sponsor. Students wanted to be able to find projects within their program quickly and didn’t want to be overwhelmed by the navigation features. Instructors want to use the site to show past project examples to student, and have the submission process be more concise.

Here are the main MARKET RESEARCH insights:

First Market Research InsightsSecond Market Research Insights

You can view the currentiSchool Capstone Archive site here.


Navigation + Browsing

New capstone design home page
New capstone design browsing cards page

The new home page has a rotating banner to display a variety of important information pertinent to the capstone program such as current iSchool partnerships, how to sponsor projects, award winning projects, etc.

The page also, intentionally presents different browsing options to the user in a way that makes the page more fluid in how the user searches through projects. It displays project cards in an assortment of relevant topics to give users a sufficient starting point when browsing.

Submission Form Updates

New Submission Form with customization

We wanted to give students autonomy in how their information is presented on their project page, but in order to stay within the iSchool branding guidelines, we decided to streamline that process into templates that students can choose from on the form itself.

Individual Project Page

New design of the individual project page

Each team can describe the challenge, outcome, and impact to give a more holistic view of the entire project. They also have customizable main content sections to input whatever material they feel is necessary to fully describe their project, as well as section for next steps.

On the side of the page, users can see the year, sponsor, status of the project, and any links that are relevant.

At the bottom of the page, they are able to choose relevant topics and technology tags relating to their project.

Reimagining the Capstone Archive poster

Watch demo video here!

Capstone group picture with Sponsor on Zoom

Thoughts and Next Steps

For our next steps, we will first compile hand off documentation so that the next group that works on our project can pick it up seamlessly.

In regards to development, we would like to spend more time developing the home page and its navigation and filtering features.

For the UX side, if our group had more time and our next steps would be to conduct usability testing with our target audience and continue to iterate and improve the design.

Lastly, as this project approaches completion in the future, there would need to be hosting set up for our project in order to support the deployment and eventually the release of the new capstone archive!

Thank you to Nam-ho, our capstone sponsor and instructor, who guided us through the entire project and made our capstone experience unforgettable!

Thanks for coming by !
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